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Just found a piece of marine recon armor @ Greentop Nursery.


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What? Yeah, exactly.
I haven't even started Far Harbor yet, or even seen this armor before, and still, somehow a Recon Marine Left Arm... somehow ended up at Greentop Nursery. Between mutfruit trees. https://ibb.co/fzT9iH
Does anyone have ANY idea how it could've gotten there? Cause it's a complete mystery to me. https://ibb.co/ghTmVx

Edited by cheezgreater
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Have you done any sort of troubleshooting to find the cause of it? it's likely an unintentional dirty edit from one of the mods you're using, so the easiest way to find the cause would be to look in xedit to see what mods have made changes to greentop nursery and/or the marine armor

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I don't know how that could have made it's way to Greentop Nursery but I have had DLC armor and weapons drop from commonwealth enemies. Like the lever action rifle which I've gotten twice (nocturnal I believe). I just end up selling them since chances of getting a full set out of DLC grounds are pretty null. Same for weapons with no access to their new ammo type.

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Legendary DLC items can spawn on legendary NPCs. But it seems that you implying that it wasn't looted from a body and was instead just lying there, between two mutfruit plants, which is kinda funny when I think about it.


That is literally what happened. I didn't kill anyone to get it. And I was never involved in combat @ Greentop Nursery in that save either. And when I reloaded the save, it wasn't there anymore. So now I'm just using it. Just seems random ass hell. Like finding a Fatman in a random suitcase or something.

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This is something you wouldn't forget, so I hesitate to ask, but did you by chance install the mod, "Marine Combat Armor in the Commonwealth" by Overcast? This mod allows you to also have the wetsuit and headgear without going to or starting Far Harbor, You do need the Far Harbor DLC on your computer though. This equipment is only found in military boxes with the star on top. I know that doesn't make it likely to be found in a vegetable patch but....

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