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Help saving executioners Armor!! The world needs a friendly me


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To all mesh-designers in this forum:


I was trying to use the executioners armor from vanille as a additional light armor in Skyrim.




It has no female model and shows up as a robe on females!


Can someone PLEASE help to implement this armor to the game by creating a female model for this?


This armor deserves to be in the game! :dance:


The armor is under meshes\Clothes\Executioner\bodygnd




THX for reading.



Greetings from bavaria, Christian

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I've always wanted this. I loved the Executioner's gear and long desired a nice form-fitting version for my female characters.


This should also be tied to a mod that removes the damned Bindings from the start, so you can loot the very headsman-bastard who tried to take your head off.

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