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How do I change font size?


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Can anyone tell me?


Edit: I'm accepting personal requests/ideas for very simple mods, I could make them for you

(like god weapons, crates, secret stuff...if i can)

Edited by kampeao
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Kampeao, I don't have a clue how to change game fonts or font size. There are a couple of mods that change game fonts. You may want to load them into FNVEdit and see what they are changing.

http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=44920 (Fallout Classic Fonts by Yushatak) says it replaces FNV Vanilla fonts.

http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=40471 (Alternative fonts for DarNified UI) says it changes Pipboy fonts.

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Kampeao, I load a mod I want to check out into FNVEdit with no filters and no other mods. All you see is what that mod has added or changed.


You may want to do a nexus file search for "hud". I think I saw a hud mod that changed font size but don't remember which one it was.

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Well, I haven't had any luck...about the fonts...i downloaded one of the mods and all it does (i guess its the only way) it replace the font files in the textures

It'd be easy to make my own fonts and do what I want to do, IF i could open/edit the font files...that's the problem...i've tried 3 different programs to edit fonts and I can't open them...

On the other hand, the FNEdit thing is really useful, thank you very much for your suggestion...I'm gonna use it very often.

So...my only problem now is finding how to edit the font files...

Edited by kampeao
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Wow! That's a really old font format. Try this http://www.vsoft.nl/software/utils/win/fontedit/ I've never used it or if I have it was 20 years ago but if it does what it says you should be in business.

If that app. wont open the files they are probably not true font files but something the programmers came up with and just used the old .fnt extension name.

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