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Need help disabling Race's sprint please!

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Hello, I'm trying to make it so human and civilized ghoul NPCs cannot sprint. I disabled "Can Use Crippled Limbs" on both races and am having a lot of fun shooting out legs etc. However when an NPC's arm gets shot out they drop their weapon (which is cool) but they also turn around and run away (also cool) but when they run away they sprint at obnoxious hyper speeds.

I would like to be able to disable sprint on these two races of NPCs. So far I have tried creating a race Special that uses a Spell which uses a Magic Effect to debuff action points. The plan was to slap the debuff on all humans and test it on myself before I bother adding conditions to exclude the player. The debuff is indeed getting applied to all humans, my character has 0/90 action points and is unable to sprint and when I console target an NPC and type "getav actionpoints" it returns 0.00 as expected. However when I hop into God-mode and test out some arm crippling mayhem in Diamond City the NPCs sprint away from me. I check their getav actionpoints again and still 0.00 yet they are able to sprint.

I then tried adding another Special to the human race on top of the previous Special. This Special uses a Spell which uses a Magic Effect which applies a Perk. The Perk (attempts) to set the AP drain of sprint to an absurdly high number. I used "Set Value" because I had a hunch that maybe the NPCs all have their value set to 0 so maybe this new value being set would change that? Didn't work though the NPC's still sprint as usual and still have 0.00 action points.

I'm not sure what to try next, can animation time multipliers on sprint be changed for NPCs and not players? If anyone has any ideas as to how I could accomplish stopping their sprint or could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it, thank you guys and girls!





Here are some screenshots of my attempts in case anything jumps out at you.

Human race Special:

Links to a Spell:

Which has this input:

Spell links to an action point debuff Magic Effect:

Human race Special:

Links to a Spell:

Which has this input:

Spell links to "script" archetype Magic Effect:

Which applies this Perk:

Which has this input:



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The best way I see to "disable sprinting" is to access the Movement Types of NPCs. The Movement Type that you want can be found in the Object Window under "Character > Movement Type > NPC_Default_MT". There you can set the sprinting speed of NPCs to the same as their running speed or whatever else you feel would be appropriate.

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The best way I see to "disable sprinting" is to access the Movement Types of NPCs. The Movement Type that you want can be found in the Object Window under "Character > Movement Type > NPC_Default_MT". There you can set the sprinting speed of NPCs to the same as their running speed or whatever else you feel would be appropriate.


Thank you I will try that right now!

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I tried changing NPC_Default_MT but had no luck changing the sprint speed. I checked FO4Edit and there are no conflicts with any of my other mods affecting movement types.


I tried changing NPC_Default_MT sprint value to 370 (same as run).


I tried changing NPC_Default_MT sprint value to 0 with no luck.


I tried changing the HumanRace Base Movement Default - default to NPC_Default_MT.


I tried adding a movement type override on HumanRace using NPC_Default_MT.


I tried all the above on AIControlledNPC_Sprinting_MT, NPC_Gun_MT, NPC_Melee_MT, and NPC_DefaultScreenspace_MT with no luck.


Am I doing something wrong here? Any ideas on what I should try next? Thank you again!

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