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A way to knock people out and move them?


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Oblivion had an amazing mod called a Thieves Arsenal. This had two niffty objects. A black jack that would knock people unconscious and allow you to loot, drag the bodies around until they woke up, and gas arrows that did the same thing.


Since my character is not fond of killing when not needed, he prefers to knock out a band of bandits and just take all their weapons, armor and such. I am trying to find a way to do this in Skyrim. I know you can put a paralysis enchantment on something for a certain amount of time, but that does not really achieve the goal. As far as I know, they body will fall like it was knocked out, but you cannot loot or move it. Also, I believe they are still aware of everything you do, so once they get up they will just attack you. Does anyone know how the maker of the thieves mod got around this and if it is possible to implement this in Skyrim?

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Oblivion had an amazing mod called a Thieves Arsenal. This had two niffty objects. A black jack that would knock people unconscious and allow you to loot, drag the bodies around until they woke up, and gas arrows that did the same thing.


Since my character is not fond of killing when not needed, he prefers to knock out a band of bandits and just take all their weapons, armor and such. I am trying to find a way to do this in Skyrim. I know you can put a paralysis enchantment on something for a certain amount of time, but that does not really achieve the goal. As far as I know, they body will fall like it was knocked out, but you cannot loot or move it. Also, I believe they are still aware of everything you do, so once they get up they will just attack you. Does anyone know how the maker of the thieves mod got around this and if it is possible to implement this in Skyrim?

Not sure how that would be any different from a paralysis spell...? What if you attached the pushactoraway spell effect to a paralysis spell? That would give you both a knockback effect as well as the player not being able to move. You could even remove the green ISM so that it doesn't look like a paralysis spell.

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Oblivion had an amazing mod called a Thieves Arsenal. This had two niffty objects. A black jack that would knock people unconscious and allow you to loot, drag the bodies around until they woke up, and gas arrows that did the same thing.


Since my character is not fond of killing when not needed, he prefers to knock out a band of bandits and just take all their weapons, armor and such. I am trying to find a way to do this in Skyrim. I know you can put a paralysis enchantment on something for a certain amount of time, but that does not really achieve the goal. As far as I know, they body will fall like it was knocked out, but you cannot loot or move it. Also, I believe they are still aware of everything you do, so once they get up they will just attack you. Does anyone know how the maker of the thieves mod got around this and if it is possible to implement this in Skyrim?

Not sure how that would be any different from a paralysis spell...? What if you attached the pushactoraway spell effect to a paralysis spell? That would give you both a knockback effect as well as the player not being able to move. You could even remove the green ISM so that it doesn't look like a paralysis spell.


Well, dragging the bodies is less important. The problem is that as far as I know, people under paralysis are still aware of what you do. So I could not knock a guy out and steal everything without him knowing because the game still thinks he is awake.

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If dragging bodies around aren't important, then you can just create a new enchantment with this scripted magic effect:


Scriptname fg109TestMEScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  

Actor MySelf

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
MySelf = akTarget
MySelf.PushActorAway(MySelf, -5)

Event OnUpdate()

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

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If dragging bodies around aren't important, then you can just create a new enchantment with this scripted magic effect:


Scriptname fg109TestMEScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  

Actor MySelf

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
MySelf = akTarget
MySelf.PushActorAway(MySelf, -5)

Event OnUpdate()

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)


ooooooo neato!!! Sadly, I am not great at reading script. Let me see if I'm reading this right, on the start of the effect, it knocks them out and knocks them away a little bit. It also turns their AI off so they cannot see what I do. It also lets me get into their inventory. Any idea if it lets me take things like Armor, or just pick pocketable items? Then, once the effect ends, the AI turns back on and they get up with no knowledge of what they did while knocked out. Genius! I assume the length of the effect is set out side the script when I actually give the weapon the enchantment?


I shall have to test this out this weekend!! Thank you, you may have just made my Let's Play a hell of a lot better :)

Edited by squee913
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Ok.... I tried using this script and I just must not be able to do it right. I made a new magic effect with this script as it's source, made a new enchantment using that magic effect, and put the enchantment on a weapon. the weapon showed that it was enchanted, but nothing happens. does anyone know a guide to take that script and make it work?? :(
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Ok, here is what I have tried to do with no luck


I copied the script into the game and called it KO:




I then made a new magic effect with this script and called it Knockout:




I then attached that to an enchantment for weapons:




Finally, I tried to give this enchantment to a weapon with 0 damage:




this does not work at all. The weapon shows that it is enchanted, but nothing happens. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong? If we can get this to work, it would be a great addition to the game for everyone!

Edited by squee913
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well, by "knocking out" you could have a chance to kill the opponent. Once the opponent is dead, you can move their body. Then just code them to be resurrect after X seconds.


It's a fake knock out.


EDIT: You script compiles right? This is not java... you do not {






the whole thing like it's a class. I think that is your script's problem. the {asd} is a tool tip helper in the properties/script window. O.o

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