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Immersive carry mod please


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Hi, I am after an immersive way to be able to carry alot of weight ingame.


For example, I have tried


1. 'Pack Animals'


and I have also had a look at but not yet tried


2. 'Little Red wagon'.


With 'Pack Animals' I did not like how the author changed up the mod by adding in many other animals and features for it. I wanted only the simple Pack Brahmin that the mod use to be, so I downloaded the older version of that mod v0.9 which was suppose to be just the Brahmin carrying around loot for you. Exactly what I wanted, it worked out, but also seems a bit buggy as the Brahmin does not fast travel with you properly and takes along time to catch up if you do use fast travel. Unfortunately the author stopped support for that version a while back and continued on with the current Pack animals mod.


So is there any other mod that does something like this for me? I.e. Be able to carry alot of loot/weight immersively?



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