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Weird behavior spells mana cost


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So, today I noticed a strange bug, my spells mana cost seens to flicker from the normal cost to something 10 or more times highter, like a spell that costs under 100 mana suddenly shows a cost of over 1000 mana, and its not only a graphic bug, I cant cast it also.

What I did noticed, it seens to estabilize once the game is running for some time. What I dont know is what module could possibly be the culprit... or is it Skyrim? The only thing I can suspect of is the bashed patch made with the svn Wrye Bash version, as I sometimes notice it after a new bashed patch build.

Anyone got a clue on that one?

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So, today I noticed a strange bug, my spells mana cost seens to flicker from the normal cost to something 10 or more times highter, like a spell that costs under 100 mana suddenly shows a cost of over 1000 mana, and its not only a graphic bug, I cant cast it also.

What I did noticed, it seens to estabilize once the game is running for some time. What I dont know is what module could possibly be the culprit... or is it Skyrim? The only thing I can suspect of is the bashed patch made with the svn Wrye Bash version, as I sometimes notice it after a new bashed patch build.

Anyone got a clue on that one?


only suggestion i can make is that modifiers in skyrim sometimes compound. that is, if you have 2 different mods that modify some variable x3, you wont get x3, or x6, but x9. that might be part of it. some script might initialize and modify mana cost.


wouldnt know how to find it, and ive never had a problem even close to this one. thats just all i could think of, im hardly a specialist >_<

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