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Turn an actor into a statue?


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Hi all, I'm looking for a way to get the skeletal dragon from Labyrinthian to hold the pose he has (as well as any other dragon) in the creation kit. the stiff, straight, wings out like he's in mid flight pose. I want to use him as a sort of museum piece like you find of the dinosaurs in the Museum of Natural History. I can get him into the game, and not moving or interacting by putting that skin on a mannequin, but I cannot figure out what to do to get him to hold the creation kit pose. Not sure if its even possible with the ck but I thought I'd ask and see if the more astute, experienced folks could help me out!


Thanks in advance,



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Bump with clarification. The first pic, DragonSkel1 is the pose from the ck that I want in game so I can "hang" him from the ceiling.


The second pic is what I get in game....


Is it a scripting issue? Am I asking for the impossible? Would I need to export the model into a program and make it a static object?



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Thanks for the feedback guys! Much appreciated!


Pent, I'm guessing it's not as easy as duplicating the one that's already there and deleting the animations in it's list??



fg, Too bad I don't have the slightest clue about how to script :(



Thanks again guys




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