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Missing BoS decal on T-45d Power Armor


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i have the following issue: i've installed some mods at the begining of the game, so for the first time i did not notice the fact, that BoS variant of T-45D PA has missing decal on the left shoulder (as intended to be). Since i have about 70+ mods i cant tell for sure which one initiated a problem... The regular variant of T-45d PA has US army stars on both shoulders.


I've installed this mesh and texture for my T-45d http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=38806&navtag=file/images.php?id=38806&tab=3 but accordint go this pic http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/38806-1-1318261444.jpg these mod displays BoS decay quiete well...


Restoring the "powerarmor" directory from my backup folder did not help. I guess i just didn't notice the problem b4.

I've checked my backup folder closer found out that t45d mesh folder contains file "bos powerarmorcomplete.nif" instead of just "powerarmorcomplete.nif", same with textures... And i have NO idea which mod contains this files (simple removing these files does not change anything ingame).


Anyway, i suspect that the mod that added these files prevents the decay showing propely. Any suggestions?


PS How can i copy loadorder from Nexus MM? I'd like to submit it to make sure it is fine.

PPS the main mods i have are Project Nevada, Mission Mojave, NVEC, EVE, WMX, Nevada Skies, NV Redesigned II, Improves sound FX, MCM, some armor mods (using different directories, so it should be compitable) + ALL the DLC, bonus packs and GRA and some textures packs (NMC's one and Arenovalis weapons retexture). Informing you just in case it helps to find the problem...

PPPS I'm sorry for my english, it's foreign to me...



Edited by adiosamigos
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i think i became more familiar with modding tools, like GECK, FNVedit, but still need a little advice


How can i add decal to model (of T-45d in my case)? Is it possible to do with geck (i think there is proper decal for this armor, it just lost its pass for this armor...) Or i have to use Nifscope aswell?



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  • 4 weeks later...
I have a similar to exact same problem...the t-45d power armor does not show up ingame and has that bloody red arrow instead. Does the decal for the insignia just disappear or wtf happens that makes it disappear?
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