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PANDORA's BOX: retain all legendary/misc items for next playthrough


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The title says it all: As you know, LEGENDARY items are found randomly plus awarded for certain accomplishments. All the hard work of a playthrough should be RETAINED for a subsequent playthrough (same difficulty)...instead of starting all over with [rookie] ZERO.


PLAYER.ADDITEM doesn't cut it as the HEX-ID only shows the vanilla, basic item. Granted, perks, bobbleheads etc can be reinstated via the console -- but not legendary items -- plus all the other goodies it took so long to find & acquire.


Create a colored BOX in Sanctuary -- a chest on the driveway of our original house (in front of the black car). Before we finish a playthrough, we stash all our weapons, ammo, armor, etc -- then close the box (to save externally to disk). Then on a new playthrough, we go to the box and extract the items.


Thanks for your consideration



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