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Different Female Bodies (UNP CBBE etc) and Weapon/Armor Texture Caches


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Well, I have a LOT of armor mods, and my tastes kind of go all over the place, digging into both UNP and CBBE styles, skimpy or full coverage. What I have yet to find though, is a way to enjoy both styles simultaneously, without having to uninstall and re-install the bodies and different armors, etc.


I am not a modder, so I have no idea how to do this, but I assume creating a race for each female body style would probably be the most simple way to do it? Then I could just use the race menu to change at will I guess. I would prefur the body changing based on the armor I have on, the game already tries to do this, but usually ends up with some clipping somewhere that ruins the look, as I am sure we all know by now.


Another thing I wanted to ask about was texture caches...For example, lets say I have a high res weapon, and I am playing an Archer/Warrior hybrid, so I change from a one or two handed weapon to a bow and back pretty regularly. What happens is Skyrim creates a cache every time I equip a weapon, which causes a load time. When it is a really high res weapon, this load time can take up several seconds, which as you can imagine breaks game immersion significantly. The problem isn't the creating of the cache more than the fact that Bethesda for what ever reason decided that that cache needed to be deleted when the weapon was unequipped. So the game creates a new cache for the weapon texture every time you equip it, which is a pain in the nethers.


I found a little work around for this in game, in the way of companions, if a companion has the weapon, the cache stays around and the load times are nonexistent. So with that in mind, is there a way for someone to create a mod that stops the game from deleting these caches?

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Problem 1) Play Sims 3.

Problem 2) Add RAM.

Problem 3) RTFM Mods.


Profit??? :)



1) Wtf is sims 3?


2) I have 12gb of ram.


3) I have the mods installed correctly. With over 18gb of mods installed and no CTD/lock up problems I think it's safe to say that I atleast know how to install a mod. And I have used a compression program to compress the textures in the data folder, helped quite a bit but it was still more ofa bandaid than anything.


I would appreciate more helpful comments if at all possible.

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