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Shady Sands Confidential


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I'm thinking of a new mod that will start six years after the end of New Vegas. I wrote up a brief script for a trailer to the mod--looking to some dedicated modders here to adopt this idea.


NOTE: This is not something I will have the time or skills to do myself. However, I think this will be a great mod, and after seeing some of the quality mods featured on NVNexus, I figured this would be a logical place to start.



[MUSIC STARTS] (Kay Starr, Wheel of Fortune, 1952) -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgELNz5YDUs (this would be the theme song for the mod--this is the only element of design I refuse to budge on :tongue: )




Wasteland Studios


A _________ Production (whichever modder takes this gets top billing, naturally)






The Detective, The Lady


The Courier








Fade-in to:


(Camera pans over a sprawling, prosperous-looking post-apocalyptic city. Brahmin carriages and rusty but sturdy electric cars crowd for space in the streets. Off in the distance, workers appear to be raising the steel skeleton for the first post-apocalyptic skyscraper in America.)


Off camera narrator: Six years is an odd number. Long enough to forget the pain of war, but not long enough to learn to live in peace.


(Camera pans to a giant billboard with the text:


The Courier Delivered. Shouldn't You? Buy Bearclaw Bonds Today.


over a picture of the Hoover Dam.)


Narrator, cont'd: The Mojave was good for the NCR. It brought in water, power, and more than a little greed. With Caesar gone, they're talking about taking all of Arizona now.


(Camera pans downward from billboard, to the building below. On the second floor, a man is sitting at an office desk, turned sideways to look out of a window. He closes the drapes. Camera zooms through the drapes to show him sitting at the table, cocking and aiming a 12.7mm submachine gun.)


Narrator, cont'd: The Mojave was good for me, too. Taught me a lot. How to play Caravan, for instance, and why I shouldn't. I also learned how to walk, talk, and shoot my way out of trouble.


(Camera zooms back out of the curtains, zooming out across the street, while still remaining focused on the window, while slowly the view through the camera becomes circular and crosshairs appear overlaid in the middle--it is now the the view through a Gauss rifle's sniper scope.)


Sometimes, though, I get into a little too much trouble.




(Camera cuts to combat footage, showing off the mod, etc etc, until the end of the song).




The general gist of the mod is a new external area for NV that lets players revisit Shady Sands, and experience its transformation from village (FO1) to town (FO2) to city (FO:NV). The whole mod would take place in the city. There would be new weapons, and new characters, but the primary emphasis would be on creating a new atmosphere through textures (a post-apocalyptic noir-ish feel) and character development/loads of dialogue.




It is six years since the end of New Vegas. The NCR won. Bill Oliver is running for President against Tom McLafferty, son of (notorious) Crimson Caravan owner Alice McLafferty. Bill is kicking the stuffing out of Tom in the race, partly because the McLafferty family is unpopular, to put it mildly, and partly because it doesn't look like Tom is even trying to win the race.


The NCR's victory at the Hoover Dam has further pushed Oliver into a brash, overconfident warmonger that seems hell-bent on continuing former President Aaron Kimball's expansionist policies all the way through Arizona. McLafferty advocates a more moderate approach, insisting on the right for the former Legion tribes to remain independent if they wish.


Meanwhile, the economy of the NCR has boomed thanks to acquiring New Vegas. The massive, reliable flow of power and water has led to a renaissance of industry, on a scale not seen since the Great War. Crimson Caravans has become Crimson Caravans & Mines, and factories fuelled by their ores have sprung up throughout the Core Region. The Mojave blooms, feeding hundreds of thousands, thanks to Lake Mead and the magic of pre-War fertilizer recipes; fertilizer recipes, which, again, depend on phosphates and other minerals mined by Crimson and other large merchant houses.


Shady Sands, capital of the NCR, is now a full-fledged city of close to 100,000 people. Growth has outstripped the ability the NCR to keep up; many people live in shanties on the outskirts; the NCR police only venture there in convoy-like groups to raid "agitators" or "terrorists". Some in the shanties (mainly refugees from the Mojave or Arizona) suspect that the NCR is deliberately stealing away anyone with leadership ability to keep them down.


They are somewhat correct. For the first time in its history, the NCR is facing a large group of people with a completely foreign outlook on life trying to assimilate into NCR life. Some in the NCR propose extending all of them citizenship, but when many of them used to be Legion slavers, the argument becomes contentious. Strangely enough, even though he could easily buy their votes, and his moderate position on taking over Arizona appeals to their sympathies, Tom McLafferty has not joined these public appeals for giving everyone the right to vote.


The courier (who is not the player character in this mod) has become the junior senator of the Mojave, and makes a compelling 3rd-party candidate; that is, if he could be persuaded to run. Of course, he could also endorse either McLafferty or Oliver and likely tip the scales in their favor. Publicly, though, he has remained silent, preferring to spend his time wandering the Arizona wastes on his own. He also refuses to comment on the "Arizona issue", in spite of being, presumably, one of the most knowledgeable men in the entire NCR on the subject.






Into this volatile mix steps you. You are a private detective; you used to fight crime as a Shady Sands deputy; before that, you fought the Legion.


You've done well in these past six years--you have your own practice, your own secretary/medic, and the gunsmith around the corner has given you half a years' credit.


So when that rich old lady walked into your office asking you to follow around her whoring, cheating, good-for-nothing husband, you didn't blink twice. Not even when you found out he was the Chief Surveyor for Crimson Caravans & Mines. You were moving up in the world, after all. Word had *finally* gotten around to the rich folks from uptown Shady. And she paid twice your usual rate.


But when you suddenly meet a striking, green-eyed redhead who claims that she is his *real* wife, and then the Chief Surveyor is murdered while you're following him, making you a prime suspect...


You're back in the trenches. It's Forlorn Hope, all over again. Fighting for your life, your honor--for the truth, because that's the only way you'll get ever get those other two things back.


They don't call it Shady Sands for nothing.






PM me for the main quest outline--I'd like to keep it under wraps to avoid spoilering the plot before the mod even gets off the starting blocks.






You sometimes do good--help the refugees solve crimes and punish criminals when the police won't help, for example--and you sometimes don't--assassination, intimidation, extortion, being hired muscle for Crimson Caravans & Mines, although how much good you do depends, well, on you.






Gameplay will, for the most part, be a mix of sneaking/action/dialog. I am not planning any new gameplay adjustments (new HUDs, new gameplay elements) with this mod.


Will have multiple methods of achieving each goal, but much more important than the methods, is that more than any Fallout game, I want the quests in this mod to all "touch" each other.


For example, I always thought it was illogical how some RPG quests interacted; as if characters in one quest were only affected by that one quest, and rarely affected by my actions in another quest. The most glaring of these errors would be in the game Skyrim, where you can try to kill the Emperor in one quest, in full view of his entire Praetorian Guard, and then happily resume your role as a loyal Imperial soldier in another quest tree to clear the final rebel stronghold. (Or even more strangely, become the champion of two rival Daedric princes, Molag Bal and Boethiah, in concurrent quests even *after* killing multiple priests from each opposing sect to become the champion in the first place.)


Even in Fallout, I thought that the distinction between the NCR, House, and Wild Card endings was pretty artificial; placing the override chip in the El Dorado Substation should not necessarily disqualify you from cooperating with the NCR later on (or experiencing a change of heart.)


I want that to be different with this mod's quests. For instance, if the player is seen talking one faction of refugees, and later does actions to aid them, then other factions will grow more wary; but if the aid other factions, then slowly his balance will return to neutral. I want the reputation not to be affected as much by stealing from or killing a particular faction, but more by what quests I complete for them.


That will be the point of the mod.




Does anyone think this is doable?

Edited by lostromantic
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