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Fallout will not load mods


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Hey guys,

So I'm running a lot of mods. I believe its like 120.

They all worked fine until yesterday, when my game crashed because of some Nvidia problem.

Now when I try to open my save, Fallout tells me that 'some items that were there when I played that save last were missing' and then lists all the .esms that are my mods. So I had this issue before which was easily fixed by updating f4se.

Now it didnt work that way. I made sure my .ini files were correctly done, I (ofc) checked if the .esm files were still there, I checked that NMM had all files enabled at all times, my plugins.txt is not in read-only and honestly I have no idea how to fix this.


So I hope any of you can help me fix this... Please?

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I'm also having problems loading mods.

I havent played FO4 in a while, i decided to get back into the game.
So i started downloading all the new mods as the ones I had were outdated.


Now only handful few out of probably 100 mods will load. Stuff like Ivy/Vine HD textures, Pipboy HD textures, Power Armour HoloHUD, etc. work
But stuff like Extended dialogue, CBBE, LooksMenu, Texture overhauls, lot of armour packs don't get loaded in game.


All mods are able to show up as installed but in game it doesn't load.
Sometimes it does load but the meshes are invisible.

I've done everything
.ini files,

Making sure the mods actually load,

checking if there's * front of each mod on the plugin.txt,
FO4 In-game mod list/arranger

uninstalling then reinstalling


all of it.

Nothing seems to change. I think it's due to the latest fallout 4 update.

one thing I haven't tried is rolling back the game version so that it's more likely to be compatible. I'm going to try that once I finally give up on fixing the game.

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make sure the mods you're using that require f4se are up to date and working with the latest version of f4se and fo4. this may have been fixed for XDI with a recent update, haven't had the chance to test it yet, but certain mods won't work with the bethesda/fo4 in-game mod manager. that includes looksmenu and possibly XDI since they do not have fallout4.esm set as a master for their files, so using the in game mod manager will disable these mods and move them to the bottom of your load order. you can set fallout4.esm as a master for these pretty easily using xedit which should solve the problem of mods disabling themselves.


items from mods being invisible in game means you either haven't properly configured your .ini files, or the mods didn't install properly. NMM has issues installing larger ba2 archives to the correct location.

if the majority of your mods aren't working, uninstall all the "broken" ones and start adding them one or two at a time, preferably installing manually to make sure things are added correctly and entirely.

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Thanks mate. I do have latest F4SE and latest mods (I check them everyday to make sure I have latest version)

I'll try out xedit. I'll report the results.

I install them one at a time - I did not know I could install them more than one at a time anyway.

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Thanks mate. I do have latest F4SE and latest mods (I check them everyday to make sure I have latest version)


I'll try out xedit. I'll report the results.


I install them one at a time - I did not know I could install them more than one at a time anyway.


Just realised I'm not the OP. willyb9 probably meant to refer to OP. Lol, my bad,

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Thanks mate. I do have latest F4SE and latest mods (I check them everyday to make sure I have latest version)


I'll try out xedit. I'll report the results.


I install them one at a time - I did not know I could install them more than one at a time anyway.


Just realised I'm not the OP. willyb9 probably meant to refer to OP. Lol, my bad,


sorry, the information in my previous post should apply to both of you guys, really, as it was mostly just general suggestions, although i guess more aimed towards your post since you at least provided names of a few specific mods that aren't working for you.


as far as installing one or two at a time, what i should've said is enabling them one or two at a time and then loading your game to test if those mods are working. it'll be less overwhelming trying to figure out what is or isn't working by completely uninstalling all the mods that don't seem to be working and then trying to figure out the cause by reinstalling and enabling mods one at a time.


it's helpful to provide specific examples of your problems when troubleshooting and looking for help. for example, with looksmenu and XDI, using the beth/in-game mod manager will disable those mods when you load the game, and if you're loading a save in which you've already had those mods enabled, you'll get that pop-up saying "this save relies on files that are no longer present" or something of the sort.


if texture mods aren't working, it's useful to anyone trying to help to know whether the texture mods are using loose files or if they're packed in ba2s. also is good to note what other texture mods you're using and whether they're loose or use ba2s, etc.


for invisible items in game, the same applies. you'll want to check if you've made the proper .ini edits to allow the game to load loose files.


idk i can help provide more specific feedback if you provide more detailed information, such as posting your load order, your .ini files, and stating exactly what problems you're having with specific mods.

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Well, I dont really know which mods dont work since the game only lists the first 10 or so..

But these are:


Concealed Armor




Sim Settlements


Concealed Armor (again)


Azars Ponytail Hairstyles

Commonwealth MiniDresses


It seems that pure retexture mods still work as if I just load the game anyway my vault suit still looks like before

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