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Light Generating Armours


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Ok, so we all know about Realistic Lighting Mods and how they add darker nights and lighter days and such. I myself use Realistic Lighting and I'm loveing it, adds a use for torches and night eye and such. Makes sneaking epic and such. But what if you want to use a shield? Or dual wield weapons? I tried doing a run through a barrow with my shield but I kept getting lost. Eventualy I found my way out but that's beside the point. The point is, without a torch you're basicaly blind. So thats it right? Doomed forever to discard your trusty wall of wood and steel in exchange for a burning stick? (Lets just assume you don't use candlelight cause who wants to be a sissy in a dress anyway? This is Skyrim for Talos' sake!) But hold on! Those sissies in dresses can be of some use after all! What if the Shields gave off light? Or a pendant around your neck illuminated those dark tombs everyone loves to raid? Within my great and slightly deranged mind I belive I have stumbled upon the answer to my problem! However I'm not a modder, I can't even open the Creation Kit without getting a headache. So here I propose to the modding community my grand idea of illuminating their shields. I'd happily work with people who are interested in makeing this happen. Already formulating in my mind are quests to go with the shields (and of course, the pendents), lore friendly explenations as to how it works, and helpful ideas if ever anyone needs them.


But yeah, Shields and Pendents that give off light would be a big help. Just putting it out there :)


Just to add a couple of points I forgot earlier. The shields themselves don't glow, I was thinking more along the lines of a candlelight spell effect stuck to it. Or perhaps some of that lovely glowing fungi growing in Blackreach could be smeared over it and given a little magical boost to improve the lighting. Something like that. :)

Edited by LennoxNoxius
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