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The theft of charity


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I've seen more reports on people scamming others, by falsely reaching out to others because of some illness that never was. I've heard of a women that was using her daughter to gain money, by faking the little girl was a cancer victim and now this.




Should people who prey on the emotions of other receive harsher sentences, because of the degrading effect on the willingness other others to help?

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Unfortunately things like that happen often. People will always lie, cheat and steal from others. I don't really think the punishment should be more sever because it still is only theft + adding more long term occupants to already overfull jails would be a huge tax burden. Maybe large fine would be an acceptable punishment but if they are trying to get money out of people it is unlikely they could pay it.


The best thing to do would be to continue donating to causes you think are worthwhile and try not to let these stories discourage you. There will always be a mix of people who genuinely need the help and those who abuse a situation.

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Even some of the 'legitimate' fund raisers for charity's are scams..... Next time a telemarketer calls you, soliciting money for some charity or other, ask them just how much of each dollar donated the charity actually gets. On some of them, it's less than 10%.......


You best course of action would be to donate DIRECTLY to the charities of your choice.

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I made a topic about this a while ago. I don't really trust a lot of charities.


But you trust the most criminal group to provide charity by demanding healtcare from the Government?


On other topics you show the opinion about the Government provide Charity such as Healthcare, but you don't even have enough trust in small Charity organisations to do this. I find that very funny because its always the same reactions of the leftwing facing privat forms of social behavior. And people going nuts when cases happen such as this wedding scam. But hey, this woman didn't force anybody to give him money. It was a fraud and i'am sure people will sue her and there will be other juristic consequences. But if government peculates money that it collectet as social security contributions or so, 99% of the time nothing happens if the case even comes out.


And in this cases you are even right to don't trust most of charities, not because one single person like in this case fraudes people, but because the big charity organisations, this UNO and establishment near groups such as Unicef, they are the most corrupt and criminals. And worst of all, they are to big to fail. Hey we had a charity fraud case not so long ago where a guy said he has a fund for homeless people and peculates the money to buy a sportcar but get caught. Oh boy this guy wouldn't be happy anymore till the rest of his life.

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I made a topic about this a while ago. I don't really trust a lot of charities.


But you trust the most criminal group to provide charity by demanding healtcare from the Government?


On other topics you show the opinion about the Government provide Charity such as Healthcare, but you don't even have enough trust in small Charity organisations to do this. I find that very funny because its always the same reactions of the leftwing facing privat forms of social behavior. And people going nuts when cases happen such as this wedding scam. But hey, this woman didn't force anybody to give him money. It was a fraud and i'am sure people will sue her and there will be other juristic consequences. But if government peculates money that it collectet as social security contributions or so, 99% of the time nothing happens if the case even comes out.


And in this cases you are even right to don't trust most of charities, not because one single person like in this case fraudes people, but because the big charity organisations, this UNO and establishment near groups such as Unicef, they are the most corrupt and criminals. And worst of all, they are to big to fail. Hey we had a charity fraud case not so long ago where a guy said he has a fund for homeless people and peculates the money to buy a sportcar but get caught. Oh boy this guy wouldn't be happy anymore till the rest of his life.


Perhaps it's the language barrier, but you can discuss healthcare on its current topic thread. It's a bit of a stretch to characterize healthcare as charity. If you want to argue why, I'll be happy to explain it over there.


As for the topic of this thread, greed and criminals are part the human spectrum everywhere you look, across the world, across time.

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giving to the those who have nothing to give and something to gain/a way of giving hope to others who have none and adding to those who do




a dam of pain and suffering waiting to burst should the truth ever slip past it


to tell the truth it sad to think that such things could be combined

Edited by gamer45413
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Better solution... Really give them cancer. Then deny them any medical help since they already got their share of charity. Solved both the problem of the person who lied, and acts as an even larger deterrent to anyone thinking of a similar scam.
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