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How to flip texture on a model


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Disclaimer: I'm obviously a total noob when it comes to modding.


What I want to do:


Take the game object, azurasphere01. The textures are applied to the interior of the model. I want to flip it--have the textures applied to the exterior of the model, so it can be viewed from outside. The mesh and textures are fine as they are, I just want to change the surface that the textures are applied to.


Is this something really complicated to do (i.e., involving mudtools, 3dsmax, etc)? I was hoping it could just be done with Nifskope, but I can't figure out how. I've looked at numerous tutorials, but they're all aimed at making simple armor/weapon mods and when it comes to texturing, they just say "copy this stuff from the original game model"... :confused:


Thanks in advance!

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I dunno, you could try opening the .nif in Nifskope and in the BSLightingShaderProperties of the NiTriShape, tick the "Double Sided" box ... Might work ?????

Thanks. That gets the basic texture on both sides at least. Unfortunately it doesn't add any of the extra stuff (specular, etc)--it's just a flat base texture, even though I set the tag for all 3 of the NiTriShapes in the file. But it's a start. Cheers.


If you want the texture to appear on both sides attach NiStencilProperty to the mesh.

I found a tutorial about that on the nexus wiki, but that method appears to be outdated. When I try it, the object just gives an error in Creation Kit. Also, the tutorial had this warning added:


UPDATE: The latest version of Blender NIF Scripts reads the "Double Sided" button setting on each object and adds the NiStencilProperty for you now! Be careful though, the default on new objects is turned on and not always necessary. This tutorial is only informational now.




I figured out why simply checking "double-sided" didn't work:

The object actually contains three separate sphere meshes, one inside the other (like a Russian nesting doll). So when I check double-sided, or flip the mesh, only the outer-most sphere was visible from the outside. So I swapped the properties of the inner and outer NiTriShapes and BINGO!


Thanks for the help, guys.


On a side note, I discovered that right-clicking on the NiTriShape, and going to meshes > flip faces worked as well. Hope that helps anyone who has this problem and stumbles on this thread in the future! :thumbsup:

Edited by 0UnknownSoldier0
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