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Quests Not Working as they should.


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Hey Guys,


Ever since I patched Skyrim to 1.5, I have been unable to complete certain quests. After Updating, I chose to restart with a new character, I made it through Helgens Keep, but when I got to the end it (Outside Helgens Keep) The NPC would not follow me, so I couldn't continue. When I went back to check on him, he just stood there saying we should continue, without advancing. So, I reloaded another save file that wasn't too far ahead, one I made before patching, and I've come across the issue again. It's the quest "The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller" where you must speak with Delphine at the Inn. When I talk to her it just shows the option to rent a normal room, nothing about an attic. If I rent the room and sleep in it, it still tells me to talk to her. I've tried several console commands, but none have worked yet.


Please help.

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