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Mod Request PolyAmory


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Hello, I am amazed a all the talented people on here and you have made my playing much more relaxed and specific to what I like, I am asking if anyone can make a mod where you can marry more then 1 character in my real life my husband and I are polyamorous not to be confused with polygamy. We were in a closed Triad meaning he and I also had a single female who was considered partner to both of us. I was really hoping someone could come up with something that would allow this type of relationship. TY for reading :smile:

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I would like to see this kind of mod as well. Though, from a modder's perspective, it might be too complex since there are a lot of marriage mechanics that would have to be accounted for in the case of an extra spouse.


Have you thought about where the extra spouse(s) would sleep? How would the expansion of the house be managed? Special events? Children? I would personally love to see this in the game since it matches my lifestyle as well, but I'm not too sure if it's a plausible concept.

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