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Untouch Walls are missing ingame and in CK

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finished mod only to find that the walls were missing in prewar santuary hills house, most notably when you go outisde to run to the vault you can see inside the house. I didn't delete or touch these walls so i dont understand why theyre missing??? Is there a way to lock the house in place or walls while i manipulate other objects. Im fearing that while I was trying to click on something inside the house I clicked on the wall instead but I would have noticed it if i moved it, plus only certain walls inside and all the walls outside are missing why wouldn't something like the floor be gone too. please help


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Im fearing that while I was trying to click on something inside the house I clicked on the wall instead but I would have noticed it if i moved it


You can check this in xEdit (FO4Edit). Look for your missing walls in the as deleted marked entries and remove these.

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