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The new patch and F4SE woes


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I've downloaded the latest version since the update. I've verified Fallout 4. I've uninstalled it, backed up my saves, wiped everything including my mods and even uninstalled NMM, reinstalled FO4, verified it again just to be sure, and loaded it in vanilla just fine. But the moment that I install 0.6.6 of F4SE (making sure that's the version before I do) and run it from NMM, I can't even get to the main menu before it crashes -- it doesn't even get through the Bethesda logo before CTD. I've tried the manual, I've tried the installer. I can get in if I load vanilla, but that's it. I've tried everything that I can think of, but nada. Any ideas?

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If you uninstalled Fallout 4 completely, you need to run the launcher to the main menu before you try running f4se. The ini's aren't set. You need to set them, first. I would recommend getting the manual install of f4se. Next time, do not uninstall everything. But do update f4se, and the mods that need it, like MCM, and a few others.

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