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College of Winterhold Glitch: Trespassing


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I've only found one other thread that has the same problem as I do, but no solutions were posted. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/491085-college-of-winterhold-trespassing-glitch/


For some reason, the college doesn't recognize my character as part of the college. It automatically says I am trespassing when I enter either the Hall of Countenance or the Hall of Attainment. The wardrobes and barrels in my room in the Hall of Attainment say that taking things from it means it would be stealing. I can't wait or sleep in either Halls because it is trespassing. I was able to put things into the room when i first joined the college (and take things) but now it would be considered stolen. I can't talk to anybody in the Halls b/c they yell at me to get out. Any Solutions? Can I console command it to fix the whole college?


I'm wondering if a mod has caused this?

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