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standalone power armor - creation kit


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so i'm making this standalone power armor based on some meshes and textures i found online for private use, it's pretty much my first time making a mod for Fallout 4 that isn't just a simple stat edit or paint job, though i've made mods for Fallout 3, New Vegas and Skyrim before. anyways, making standalone Power Armor in Fallout 4 is a pain in the 4ss, the system is so different from the past games that it took me a couple of hours messing around with creation kit to get an idea on how to make one.


anyway, after 3 hours i've finally got a new set of power armor working pretty much, i used the X01 as basis but there's 3 main bugs that i just can't fix or find a work around. 1st is even though i named the armor pieces & mod objects etc. to what i wanted, when i spawn them on console they just get added in my inventory as Left Arm or Torso, no Terran Torso etc. 2nd is the hot rod paint jobs shows up on this new armor for some reason and 3rd is the first person view of the forearms are bent really weird that it obstructs the camera when holding most weapons except heavy weapons like minigun, rocket launcher and gauss rifle.


those are the main bugs i want to fix, i've done most of what i can, i already have custom looking PA armor pieces showing up in-game, i already got the headlamps working decently, the power armor mods, jetpacks etc., some different color paints, those 3 are just what's left, the main annoyances at least.


i'm pretty much on the end of my wits and patience on this one, if i can't get even the 1st 2 bugs fixed i'm pretty close to dropping this one.


anyways, here's the files, i hope someone can get a look at them and see what's wrong with them and how to fix them.



Edited by ghostrecon123
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i made some various little fixes and tweaks here and there, added another paint job. then i got the name working now, now when i spawn the power armor pieces they don't just go into my inventory named just "Torso", now they're named how i want to be like "Terran Torso" etc., though they don't change names when adding armor mods, but i prefer it that way so i'll leave it like that.


and i think i know why the hot rod paint jobs pop up in this armor even though i didn't add them, it's how the hot rod paint jobs are made, they use a pretty general keyword so they pop up in all Power Armors, so knowing that i can just ignore that one.


now finally, there's only 1 major bug i can't fix, the forearms in first person still blocks most of the camera when using certain weapons, especially rifles, it looks like the forearm armor plates are positioned too far down the forearm covering the hands, they only appear like that in 1st person even though look fine in 3rd person, no idea how to fix this one.


here's the new files


Edited by ghostrecon123
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