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[Scripting] RemoveAddedForm bugged?


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I'm currently trying to manipulate a FormList filled with items using a container. The script is very basic but already gets screwed:

Event OnItemRemoved(Form BaseItem, int iCount, ObjectReference rItem, ObjectReference rContainer)

Event OnItemAdded(Form BaseItem, int iCount, ObjectReference rItem, ObjectReference rContainer)


I used message boxes to track the problem:

The items are added to the formlist without problem. The list itself is empty and gets just filled by the OnItemAdded Event, thus every item I want to have removed from the formlist was previously added by this very script to it.

RemoveAddedForm just removes the form from the formlist at the very first try in the currently loaded save. That means that the first Item I remove from the container gets removed from the list as well. But then RemoveAddedFrom stops working. It won't even help to open the container again or to refill it completely.

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