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Radio Show Mod Request: WCWC


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To my knowledge this hasn't been done yet. I am betting it will be just as much fun making as it will be listening to this program from WCWC Radio - Commonwealth Cuisine. Think of some of the radio broadcasts from the GTA games. This would be centered around a radio cooking show. Mod author(s) could even find a location for the radio broadcasts and set it up with an in studio kitchen. I am thinking multiple 30 minute loops would be ample to get a good variety. Initially, a single loop would be a start, but if the author(s) want to make expansions to the program, those could be added later. Studio hosts would cook something during their show and talk about their own experiences whether as a cook, chef or restaurateur , take calls from other people that haven't mastered the art of tenderizing deathclaw steaks, have on location segments from different settlements and where the ingredients are harvested. Maybe if mod author(s) are feeling really adventurous, they can have the actual broadcasting crew and hosts show up to Sanctuary or Goodneighbor to do the show live.


Guest chefs could visit the studio with some trying to sound French, German, or Italian and failing horribly. Who's to say that, the super mutant that has a penchant for mirelurk souffle, can't be civilized enough to share his recipe with an in studio demonstration. Of course, when the studio hosts and guests say they hate it or vomit on air, the mutant chef could lose it and trash the studio. Maybe guest chefs could get into an argument with the hosts or callers.


And how is all this food made? Another on location could feature the domestication of Brahmin as well as attempting to domesticate other species. WCWC could win awards for their coverage of attempted yao guai or radscorpion domestication that went horribly wrong. Is the radio active rain really the secret ingredient that makes bloodbug chili so spicy?


I am sure there is a lot more other people could come up with, but this was just off the top of my head. I have to admit, even if it is never made, it was fun imagining this while I wrote it. Hope there are mod author(s) out there that like the idea too.

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