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GOG problem


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I really have no idea where to post this but am hoping that someone is playing with the GOG version of FNV and thus may know something about GOG.com.


I opened an account with gog.com some years ago and recently wanted to go back there and wanted to access my account. Unfortunately in that length of time I had abandoned the email account I used to open my account and thus can no longer access it; it was basically a throw-away account.


I tried to contact gog support but found that this was impossible for me to do. In the page which you fill out for support I filled out everything pertaining to my problem and then submitted it. Every time I did, and I tried a number of times, I would get an error saying I did not fill out Problem Type. They have three boxes in the page to fill out right in the middle; "Are Mods Installed", Operating System", and "Problem Type". The only problem is there is no way to fill out any of those boxes as you cannot type in them, they are just blank boxes.


The reason I need some help on this is I bought FNV when it first came out on gog and just logged in to do so. I just uninstalled the game and was going to download it again from my account on gog when they asked me to verify it by my email account which I can no longer access. So I cannot access my account and cannot access gog help, I'm stuck, sol, doomed.


Does anyone have any idea of how I can fix this?

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.. I do not have an account there, but would suggest:


Do they have a direct contact and not ' tech support '?


It would seem they would / should have a ' back door ' for users like this that lost and/or had their account hacked.


The thing is - IF - your prior e-mail is no longer active, was there a ' secret id code ' or such that allows you to ID yourself?


The other thing you might try, open a new temp account and let them know why you are doing this ... and they should be able to help from there.


Good Luck.

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