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Imported Bones 90 degrees wrong in 3D Studio Max


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I've got a problem when importing a mesh including its skeleton into 3D Studio Max.

The bones seem to be off by 90 degrees:




When I attach a kf-animation, the body gets all messed up, because the bones are not in the correct layout.

If I import only the skeleton without a mesh, it is displayed correctly, but it's hard to animate without the mesh as a visual guideline.


I'm using the NIF-Plugin 3.7.3.fd27a94 (fork mod on Skyrim Nexus).


Does anyone know, how I can fix this?


Best regards,


Edited by Gary3
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Hello Jet,


I tried that, but unfortunately the skeleton doesn't seem to stick to the mesh then (transforming the skeleton isn't affecting the mesh, loaded animations only animate the skeleton, but not the mesh).


Do I have to attach the bones to the mesh somehow?

Is the vertex weighting still there if I can somehow attach the skeleton to the mesh?


Best regards,


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I've imported the mesh first, then the skeleton and attached the bones to the horse body mesh.


As soon as the bones get attached, they are again rotated by 90 degrees.

The animation is working partialy, with several vertices moving into strange positions.


Is there a fix / workaround for this?


Best regards,


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