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Gtx 560 ti weird issue


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Hello all,


Let me describe my weird problem with my gtx 560ti. So i installed skyrim,and the game was kinda laggy. I updated my card with the latest whql drivers,started skyrim and it was running smooth as butter. No lag,no problems. Here comes the ploblem,the next day,that i started my computer,i opened skyrim and it was like on the beggining,laggy and buggy,just as if i hadnt install the newest drivers. I checked my driver version at the nvidia control panel,and it was the newest one. Really weird in my opinion.. I did the whole proccess again from the beggining(install again newest drivers,game running smooth with 60 fps constantly,and after i restarted my pc,it was laggy etc.


I would really aprecciate if you guys could help me.


sorry for my bad english

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I get lag on the start menu if i haven't de-fragmented the skyrim/ steam folder, have you tried that? Also how many background programs are you also running? Could be something that is sucking up a lot of memory or using your hdd a lot. Try using the gamebooster program to disable programs and services you dont need for gaming.
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I used gamebooster as you said,but i still have fps drops,from 60 to 15-20. Before it was like 60 to 2-5.

I checked at the proccesses and the services but theres nothing that sucks a lot of memory..

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