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Press the "`" or "~" key (Yes, I know they're just two states of the same key) to bring up the console, then enter "enablemagicmenu" (Without the quotes) and press enter. If that doesn't work, try brute force -- bring up the class and race menus repeatedly in an attempt to reset the state of every menu (The commands to bring up those menus are "enableclassmenu" and "enableracemenu," respectively).
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  • 10 years later...

okay I am having the same problem... whhat and where is this "how much magicka you got" menu? because enableing the menus in the console isn't working.. God! what on earth did i press to make them all disappear and not come backk when you right click. I do notice that when you right click the player freaazes like you are paused as though the menus are there but you cannot see them.

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okay I am having the same problem... whhat and where is this "how much magicka you got" menu? because enableing the menus in the console isn't working.. God! what on earth did i press to make them all disappear and not come backk when you right click. I do notice that when you right click the player freaazes like you are paused as though the menus are there but you cannot see them.

right-click and double-click on health bar, equipped item icon, etc which are on bottom of screen. That should toggle the visibility of menus.

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