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Merchant Caravan Guard runs - New Quest system


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It would be cool if you could go up to any merchant, and have a dialogue option to hire on as a guard for an upcoming caravan they are running. The Khajits already have their own system, but surely the shopkeepers in the cities themselves need to move their goods?


Once accepting the quest, you would zone outside of the city to see a bundled carriage and driver (remodelled fast travel carriage with tarped containers in the back.). once telling the driver you are ready to go, the carriage would begin slowly travelling towards the city destination. The player would be responsible for fending off bandit attacks along the route, which would scale in difficulty in relation to level and follower count. The carriage and the driver both would be non-essential, and the player would fail the quest if they are destroyed.


The driver could be healed, and there could be an option to "repair" the carriage once attacks are over with success and amount of repairs dependant on the player's smithing skill.


Once the carriage reaches its destination, the quest is completed successfully.


Success means some gold, and possibly some items that are representative of the type of cargo transported. As well as a future discount with the merchant that sent the player on the quest.


Failure would mean a loss of faction with the merchant that gave the quest, and prices with that merchant would increase.

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