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Base spell cost value


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I know how to adjust global spell costs, and how to create new spells, but what i want is to adjust the base magicka cost of a spell, without altering the rest of the spells. For example i want to double the magicka cost of healing effect spells without touching the global spell variables.


After checking in CK, i found that the base spell effects come from the Magic Effect category in CK. In the case of the "Healing" spell, it has an entry called "RestoreHealthConcSelf" in the Magic Effects category. And in it, it has a "Base Cost" entry. Here is a screenshot of it:




However, no matter what i set the "Base Cost" to, the spell cost does not change ingame. How to change the spell cost of a spell ?


EDIT: I found the solution. Base Cost is the variable that had to be changed, but in order to work ingame, I had to create new magic effects, and not use the vanilla ones.

Edited by AngEviL
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