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Minamizing neckline


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Well I hope I'm not the only one with this issue but I have a....


q6600 stock speed 2.66 ghz

3 gigs ram (technicly eight but I run games in XP)

8800gtx 756 megs vram, soon to be a GTX260.


I run at 1600 something resolution widescreen on a 22" monitor, HDR. so no AA.


Exnems clothing replacer full http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11824


HGEC M Lower body and hands http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15802


HGEC chest replacer http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11766


High Rez textures http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17445 (The big high rez ones with the face textures to match.)


The Exnem cloths look fine... well as fine as one can hope for with lego block bicepts and shoulders. So it's not the clothing. I would love an HGEC one but the only one I fould is well... obsene. and I'm a perv so it's the regular exnems for me.


When I remove all clothing the line was bugging the hell outa me so I upgraded my textures to the ones listed above and at least the face and body skin is the same color now, but there is a very thin line that almost twincles right where the neck and upper body connect. I suspect this may be the upper body I am using and even reviewed it based on this thought, but I just want to make absolutely sure I'm right.


Has anyone else experianced this? Am I missing something that could remedy it?

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Nope, not too much you can do about it. This happens because you have seperate people who make head textures, seperate people who make body textures, and seperate people who make the meshes. There will always be a neck line because there will always be a difference between how one texture reacts to the shading used by the game for skin color because those textures were made by seperate people, and therefor the coloring is slightly off. This is further compounded by how Exnems body is texturemapped. It can be possible to reduce it slightly, but would likely require painting a band around the edges on both sides exactly the same color, and then generate normal maps based on the exact same settings. And even then, minor changes in vertex shading and smoothing can still cause an issue. As far as the neckline issue goes, I think some of the other body mods handle it a bit better... but this of course means putting aside your primary concerns as far as body mods go.

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