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What is WIFollowerCommentFaction?


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I'm just boggled by what WI stands for.


I know UFO uses this particular faction to brilliantly dodge the compatibility issue of custom followers and allowing them to integrate the basic features it has (intentional or not), but what does Vanilla Skyrim use this for?


I've searched the whole forum and this term only comes up in a topic which is similar to what I get on a google search.


Anyone know? I'd really like to know if adding this to a custom follower I have is necessary or not.




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WI stands for World Interaction. I think the WIFollowerCommentFaction is suppose to be used to trigger follower commentary. There are trigger boxes set up in various locations, and when a follower triggers one it causes them to speak certain lines appropriate to the location. This is what's happening when a follower sees an impressive view and says "Would you look at that" and "I've never seen anything like that," or when there is danger ahead and they say "I've got a bad feeling about this." However, I have also created followers that are not in this faction, and they still seem to trigger the comment boxes and say the appropriate comments. I don't really have an explanation for this; maybe someone else knows more about it and can explain it better. Is it necessary in your case? Possibly not. Particularly, if you are adding it to a custom follower that doesn't use the default voices and doesn't have dialogue for those random comments, then adding them to that faction probably won't do anything.


EDIT: Out of curiosity, I looked at the trigger box script again, and I figured out why followers don't need to be in the WIFollowerCommentFaction to trigger them. There is an OR condition so they can either be in the WIFollowerCommentFaction or they can be running the FollowerPackage. Either one will satisfy the conditions to trigger the comment.

Edited by kryptopyr
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That faction may be for "necessary" followers.


I mean the ones that follow you (or you have to follow) during some quests or parts of the story.


I haven't looked at them in the CK, but they may be running a different package from the default followers, so they satisfy the conditions with that faction.


It's just a thought, completely not sure about that.


I think the only way to know the truth is going through the whole CK and find every object using that faction ;)

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True enough, I'll check it out, just remembered that that feature exists in CK. :)


EDIT: Just as Kryptopyr said, it's to do with some location references and Followers...so it triggers the dialogue for caves and such, but then Kryptopyr said even without it the follower says the lines.


I'm not sure. Hmmm.

Edited by Darkvalkyr
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