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Cant continue on Revealing the Unseen Quest.


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tThis quest has bugged for me also, in the stage AFTER Tc's bug. Once I've done the puzzle, left, my quest log tells me to return to the college, but when I get there, the gates are locked, and no way to get it.

Other NPC's are stuck outside too, haha.

I can;'t even find the midden entrance to sneak in :(

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OK, I'll offer what may be a last-gasp attempt to salvage your playthrough and keep this quest intact. I don't know what quest stage you're stuck at for sure, or how meeting Paratus prematurely might have nerfed things. The quest should have updated to some stage between 20 and 30 upon meeting him. Don't count on the stages shown in the wiki to be inclusive. There could be stages in the quest that aren't listed because they aren't involved with any journal updates, for instance.


  1. Leave Mzulft
  2. From the console type "reset mg06"
  3. Just to be on the safe side, save your game, quit Skyrim, load it back up with your new save game
  4. Re-enter Mzulft and proceed to to the place where you're supposed to find Gavros
  5. From the console type "setstage mg06 30"

Make sure you have the key and journal. Since you've already given yourself these items, this shouldn't be an issue. The quest should now be at the point at which you've spoken to Gavros and he's dead. You should be able to proceed with the quest normally, now.

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Thanks for the replies! I'll have to try these suggestions tomorrow, but I'll give this a go as soon as I turn the PC on. BTW when I added the key using the console, there was no quest update message. I think the game was still under the impression that I hadn't even found Mzulft yet.


I'd be MUCH happier to reset the whole quest rather than load a pre-quest save, because I've done SOOO much else since this bug!


More tomorrow!

Edited by shuriken88
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, sorry I've taken such a long time to reply. I've been REALLY busy over the last week or so, but I'm back now and I'm about to turn on Skyrim. I'm going to try all of the things suggested here, and then 'tick them off' as to which of the solutions worked, if any, while keeping my fingers painfully crossed:-


1. Try "Help Gavros 0" in the console...


I got the same result as you: NPC_: (00034cb8). You said it was giving you this ID because you completed the quest and he'd already been removed from the game, so could this mean that the game is assuming I've already completed the Mzulft quest for some reason (even though I havent even entered "Mzulft proper" yet?


2. Try to use the "Base ID" to move Gavros to the player...


I tried this, but I cant seem to get it to recognise any of my commands. First I tried typing the ID number, followed by a space, then "moveto.player" (the "moveto.player" command has always worked for my follower when she gets stuck), but it just said "compiled script not saved" and didn't do anything, so then I tried typing "PRID ID, followed by the number, then a space, then "moveto.player", but that didn't do anything either. Am I doing something wrong here? Ive not played Skyrim in about 7 days so it could be that I've just forgotten the console command.


3. Find and set the stage of quest using console...


It says I'm on "stage 25" of the quest (search for Synod Researchers). I also tried setting the stage to 25 (even though its already there) to see if it would "wake" the game up and realise what was going on, but it didn't work, there was no quest update, so I'm going to try setting the stage to 30 after adding the key and journal to my inventory.


BTW I also tried resetting the stage as suggested, but it doesn't seem to work. My journal still thinks I've completed the first two stages of the quest, and still tells me to "search for Synod Researchers", even though I'm now on "stage 0" of the quest, not "stage 25", like I was before. Something is clearly messed up here. Now the engine isn't even able to communicate properly with the game...


Okay, I can confirm that the "Setstage" command does not have any effect whatsoever after using the "Resetquest" command. In other words, once I used "Resetquest" to go from "Stage 25", to "Stage 0" (which worked), I could no longer change to any other stage and now I'm stuck on "Stage 0", no matter how many times I try other "Setstage" commands. Also, even BEFORE I used the "Resetquest" command, changing the quest stage to 30 didn't make my journal update, and even though the console reported I was on "Stage 30", it still seemed that I was stuck on "Stage 25", due to my journal STILL telling me to "Search for Synod Researchers".


It seems like its going to be completely impossible to meet the illusive Gavros and get the "key & journal" the proper way, so I'm adding them both again using the console, and setting the quest stage from 25 to 30.


FINALLY! I've managed to get the Questlog to update and realise that I've passed stage 25. I just added the journal to my inventory then set the stage to 30, and it updated. I think it must only register as a quest update if you have BOTH items, not just the key (like I had the 1st time around). I'm currently going through Mzulft again on a speedrun this time, just to see if the other Synod will actually TALK to me this time, rather than just keep repeating the same old "can I help you", and if the "machine will respond to me pressing its buttons".


I've reached the Observatory now and spoken to the other survivor (yes, THIS time he actually acknowledges my existence LOL)! Now I've got to find the focusing crystal. All seems to be going well so far!


I LOL'd after the end of the conversation about Gav and the Crystal, when he says "what the, who are you, wheres Gavros?"... "Weren't you listening to anything I just said, you IDIOT!?"

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"moveto" doesn't work with the base ID (34cb8). It only works with the ref ID (1ed2f). By the way, the "help" command will only return the base ID. As far as I know the only way to get a ref ID in-game is by clicking on the object in the console.


I'm pleased you've figured out what the problem was, and have managed to advance the quest. And, yes, sometimes NPCs seem to be completely oblivious about what you tell them. Get used to it. The AI in this game is sometimes pretty much brain-dead.

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Lol yea. Anyway I dont know if I've just encountered another bug, but now I'm supposed to be searching for this Focusing Crystal. I've been at it for quite a while, searching every Falmer corpse I come across, but none of them seem to have the crystal. I checked all the falmer in the main hall where theres about 4 falmer, and one powerful one, and I'm backtracking further to see if any other corpses have it. After a while I got bored of searching corpses and decided to give in to a walkthrough (just to see if I was on the right track), and it turns out the Crystal is supposed to be on the corpse of the powerful falmer (Nightstalker was it?) that you kill in the main hall, just before you talk to the "other survivor".


Seems like this quest has just been BUILT to go wrong at every stage LOL. Hopefully I wont have to do more "additem" or "setstage" fixes, but if this crystal was there, I would've found it by now.


It definitely was ANOTHER bug in the quest LOL, but its all good now, I just had to "brute force" it with "additem" & "setstage" again and now everythings progressing as it should be. I just wish I remembered to save the game after completing the final Mzulft puzzle, because on my way back from fighting those "things", I just randomly fell off the bridge like an idiot. I tried to aim for the water, but ended up smeared across the rocks. Oh well.

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The boss Falmer who has the crystal is the one you meet at the Aedrome (I think I spelled that right). The first time I did this quest I missed looting his body and wound up wasting a lot of time trying to figure out what I did wrong before I discovered my mistake. He won't necessarily be a Nightstalker. The type of Falmer you encounter will be the best that can spawn for your level.


Also, what xlcr said -- sometimes it seems that a quest is destined to bug out regardless of what you do. Skyrim is just like that.

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