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Cant continue on Revealing the Unseen Quest.


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Huge thanks for all the help man! I really appreciate it cos I never thought I'd be able to get past that bugged quest!




I dont know if this will help, but I read somewhere (cant remember where) that the lightbeams wont appear if its night. Seems unlikely, but maybe its just night in your game?

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  • 2 months later...

bored to read last 2 pages but i was stack here too :/

searched commands

and tryed the openactorcontainer 1 while i had him target and i was able to loot him and continue

cheers :)

Edited by GioGr
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  • 4 weeks later...

I was having almost the exact same problem as shuriken88, and I went through the commands in this thread in order of (relative) danger. Talking to Mirabelle several times did nothing, nor did adding the key or journal. I'd already forced the door with unlock, cleared the ruin, and found the guy at the end (also permanently alert, unkillable), so I tried 'setstage MG06 25' with no luck. Desperate, I chanced 'resetquest MG06', also to no avail. What I needed to do, in my situation, was set the quest stage to 30, at which point it told me to find the oculary (or something spelled like that). The Synod at the end talked to me, and I was able to complete the quest. Thanks to everyone who replied, I would have never gotten here without you. Hope my reply helps someone too!


tl;dr - at the console, try: 'setstage MG06 30'

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