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dungeon on the northmost coast, not on map


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I found this place a while ago. Cant remember the name, but its about as north as you can get, right on the shoreline. I went in there, and to keep it spoiler free, I found that theres basically nothing that you can do. You just come to a locked door.


Are there many other places that have been kept off the map and dont have markers (even after you discover them)? Is this a bug, or is it an intentional secret location of some kind?

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i think there are a few cave/dungeon access points along the northern coastline that can only be entered from an alternate location or require a quest to activate.

if your map didn't automatically update like usual when you found the location, it might be one of those locked door's that are intended only as exits from a

larger interconnected complex and not scripted as a location or normal entrance and barred from the inside.

i remember a couple of these that mostly opened to a ledge on a shear cliff face that could only be fast travelled from since my followers don't like heights.

sure would be interesting if you actually found an undocumented secret location; but, skyrim is already well explored/documented so its doubtful lol.

you can try this interactive skyrim map and discover the name of what you found:


Edited by xlcr
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Yea maybe its one of those exits then and your not even supposed to find it from that point. When you go in, you come to a spiral staircase that descends to a barred doorway. On the other side is what seems to be either a skeleton or a Draugr sitting on a throne, but its not awake otherwise it would've seen or heard me trying to get its attention.


The place does have a name (when you look at the door), but I cant remember what it was. I just looked at the map on the link, and remembered that I found it after exploring the Wreck of Winter War, and it was no further east than Winterhold. I dont think it was Bleakcoast Cave, because it was an ancient Nord crypt, but theres nothing else on the map like it. Its got me curious though. I hate it when you discover an interesting new place and it requires a key to enter. A key that you never seem to have at the time.

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