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Quick question on properties and dependency

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I have 2 mods, Mod A and Mod B. Mod A has a gun. Is it possible to link to that gun with a property from a script in Mod B? I tried this with and without Mod A listed as a dependency for Mod B and the script did not work either time. With the script self contained in Mod A it works fine.


Is this just not possible to do or am I just messing up a step? I couldn't find anything on this specific matter on Google or the wiki


Thank you for your help!


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Sure this is possible without creating a master dependency using getformfromfile(). What type of property ? ... a selection of 'em:

If Game.IsPluginInstalled("SKKCombatTestTools.esp")
  ObjectMod rSKK_CTTargetInfo_modLegendary = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00001739, "SKKCombatTestTools.esp") as ObjectMod

  GlobalVariable rCTuGridsLoaded = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00004C77, "SKKCombatTestTools.esp") as GlobalVariable
  fuGiridsToLoad = rCTuGridsLoaded.GetValue()

  Quest FormFromOtherMod = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000F99, "SKKCombatTestTools.esp") as Quest
  ScriptObject RemoteScript = FormFromOtherMod.CastAs("SKK_CTMainScript")
  Var rSKK_CTTestObjectREF = RemoteScript.GetPropertyValue("pTestObjectREF")
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