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Creation Kit: Problem with quest conversation


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I've got a little problem with the creation kit which relates to quests... So i've made a quest with the creation kit with the help of youtube tutorial videos and the creationkit.com tutorials and when i try to start the quest by speaking to the actor which i made, nothing happens. When i press E to start conversation, the actor just stands and won't start a conversation with me. Of course he says thinks like: "Need something?", "Yes?", "Hmmm...?", but the actual conversation won't start where i can pick a line what to say. And afterwards i've checked that i've done exactly the same things on the mod as if in the tutorials. One thing i had in mind which could be the problem was the sounds i've recorded, because i had read on the forums about the bugs what the recordings would cause and i made a new mod from scratch exactly the same way like before BUT i didn't record ANY sounds at all. And i know that if i dont record anything, the actor would say the line i wrote, but it would just instantly disappear after coming, because the time that the line should stay is zero. I'm not 100% sure, but i believe that that even if the actor wouldn't say a line I still should be able to choose what line i say e.g "What's wrong?" as in my mod.


So does anyone know what could be wrong? There are 3 choices what could be wrong:

1. The game/creation kit has a bug and needs reinstall

2. Recordings

3. I've made a mistake and forgotten to do something on the mod, like check a checkbox or something similar...


The link to download the mod is: http://skyrim.nexusm...le.php?id=14994

- The ID of the quest is TestQuest

- This mod doesn't contain ANY recordings i've made

- The place where the actor "TestActor" is, is on the "POIPineForest20" in world space Tamriel. Just double-click the actor "TestActor" from the cell view to get to him.


I would be so happy if someone would figure this out :)

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