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Bleak Falls Barrow - be a tour guide


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Hello. Here's another mod idea to drop into perpetual oblivion...based on a throwaway line I once put in a forum post, here is Bleak Falls Barrow - Be A Tour Guide!


Bleak Falls Barrow, for reasons best known only to Bethesda, respawns. I can't imagine why they thought anyone would want to go through again what must be the single most familiar quest site to any experienced player, especially with neither Dragonstone nor Word of Power to gain, but they did, so let's try and let DB make some cash out of it at least.


In this mod, whenever DB wanders up to BFB for nostalgia's sake or whatever, she will come upon a group of three or four NPCs of the adventuring persuasion, who will engage in conversation with a view to hiring DB as a guide and bodyguard through their first ever dungeon quest. DB, should she be inclined to agree, will then shepherd these young idiots through the oh so familiar corridors and catacombs, making sure they don't get killed (because dead people don't pay--literally, their bodies will be devoid of gold until and unless they come out the other side) but otherwise hanging back to give them the full adventuring experience. When they've all gone through the barrow and emerged victorious, they will pay DB a figure based on how many survived, and also--if it can be worked--reduced by a factor of how many times DB killed a monster before it could engage with them. These are rich kids looking for thrills (think Salma from Ironbind Barrow) and they won't pay up if they get mollycoddled, any more than if they get killed.


It would be nice if the tourists could be at least in some ways random, rather than the same group every time. I'm not thinking voiced at all--they aren't important enough--but it would be a nice trimming if they were.


So there it is. A new use for an overworked location, and another source of income for the adventurer who's still establishing herself in the land.



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