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Cant make a new character


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Well I can’t make a new character. Again after Bethesda’s newest patch I can't manage to make a new character, when I create a new game I just continually walks forward. So to go more in depth of the problem: When I walk out of the wagon to create my character, my character just walk continually forward until he hits a guard. After I have hit the guard and made my character. I just walks in front of the execution thing and blocks the way so the stormcloack solider can't get executed. And I'm basically stuck.



Sorry for my English but I hope you understand :)


Edit: I found a solution, topic can be closed.


If other people are experiencing the same problem this is what you have to do: Disable all mods and SKSE (if you are using it). Create a new game and make your character. Play until the dragon comes and disrupts the execution of you, save and enable all of your mods again.

Edited by UltraKiller
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