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Easy Ebony Blade Request...


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I've seen the mod that either converts the Ebony blade fully into either a 1 handed weapon or 2 hander here http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=1946




But, it would be great if there was a mod that kept the Ebony sword's original two handed animations and 1 handed perk benefits, while being able to level one handed skill, instead of two handed (and of course being able to be upgraded at a wheel as a daedric weapon). Basically the original animations of the two hander ebony sword that both increases and benefits from the one handed skill (and upgrade-able). The sword just looks wrong wielded with one hand and loses its uniqueness if it's entirely a two handed weapon.


Probably would be funner for all yall assassins as well.

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I've been searching for something similar, a two-handed sword, yet benefits entirely from one-hand perks, skills, etc. and skills up one-handed.

The only problem would be bringing the decapitation and charging from two-handed perks over to one-handed. I've been sniffing around in the Creation Kit which is supposedly extremely simple..

I guess one would have to reprogram the mechanics of the Ebony Blade so that when it's equipped, the one-handed decapitation and charge would count as the two-handed perk and therefore work? well, I have no knowledge on this so I guess I'll just leave it at that.



TL:DR - Looking for something which causes the Ebony Blade to gain nothing from two-handed skills & perks, and only be held in two hands. While gaining all upgrades from the one-handed perks, including decapitation & Charge, etc.


Ofcourse I'd also bring the damage up a bit, maybe putting it on level with daedric weapons, as I believe it supposedly is a "Daedric artifact." Maybe even better than daedric weapons without the upgrade possibility would be cool, though overpowered in low levels.


If someone knows how to do this and if this is possible via the creation kit, but cant bother with creating a mod or anything, could you perhaps PM me with instructions on how to do it?

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