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Save Files Keep Increasing in Size


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I have no idea why this is happening so I looked at the save logs using wrye bash. I found that on March 14th, the save files' size jumped from 10 mb to 13 mb. I checked the mods used in those two saves but they were exactly the same. From that 13 mb save file onward, every save file increased by 1 mb. I'm now at 480 saves and the last file is 124 mb. The first 380 save files stayed around 10 mb.


Any help would be appreciated.

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I don't know what's causing that, but it just gave me the idea to check my save file sizes, because I've been getting a problem with the game taking a long time to save. LIke 20 seconds to do a full save, and almost 10 for a quicksave. Just looked at my save files, and none of them are over 100 mbs, but they're mostly 50-60. the smallest one is 40mb. Which does seem really big. Especially since you said most of your older ones were around 10. I also have to wonder what's going on there.
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I don't know what's causing that, but it just gave me the idea to check my save file sizes, because I've been getting a problem with the game taking a long time to save. LIke 20 seconds to do a full save, and almost 10 for a quicksave. Just looked at my save files, and none of them are over 100 mbs, but they're mostly 50-60. the smallest one is 40mb. Which does seem really big. Especially since you said most of your older ones were around 10. I also have to wonder what's going on there.


Now that you mention it, my saves/auto saves do take a lot longer than before. From what I can gather it seems the 1.5 patch causes a lot of issues and mods as well. What I can't figure out is how this happened without any mod changes from my part.

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I don't think it's the 1.5 patch. I've been using 1.5 since since it came out. And my saves were just fine until a couple days ago. I had been using 1.5, with a decent amount of mods, too (added items, player homes, lighting and dof, new textures, etc.). Everything was fine, until I used the "unofficial skyrim patch", then I started getting the increased save times, and now, I'm seeing, huge save files, too (I just played a bit more, and my most recent save is up to 118mb now). But, I also got a huge framerate drop when I installed the unofficial patch, so I immediately got rid of it. I just had the single, .bsa file version of it, so I just deleted the couple files it came with, and my framerates went back to normal, but the save problem has stuck around. Also, coinciding with the save problem, I started getting a weird lag. Just a hitch where the whole game will freeze for a few seconds once every minute or so. Otherwise smooth framerates, just that little hitch. I think I'm going to have to just trial and error test all my mods, and see whats going on.
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I don't think it's the 1.5 patch. I've been using 1.5 since since it came out. And my saves were just fine until a couple days ago. I had been using 1.5, with a decent amount of mods, too (added items, player homes, lighting and dof, new textures, etc.). Everything was fine, until I used the "unofficial skyrim patch", then I started getting the increased save times, and now, I'm seeing, huge save files, too (I just played a bit more, and my most recent save is up to 118mb now). But, I also got a huge framerate drop when I installed the unofficial patch, so I immediately got rid of it. I just had the single, .bsa file version of it, so I just deleted the couple files it came with, and my framerates went back to normal, but the save problem has stuck around. Also, coinciding with the save problem, I started getting a weird lag. Just a hitch where the whole game will freeze for a few seconds once every minute or so. Otherwise smooth framerates, just that little hitch. I think I'm going to have to just trial and error test all my mods, and see whats going on.


A few days ago I started using the skyrim unofficial patch as well but the save files started to bloat up way before that. From another thread, someone said that adventures and travelers caused save files to bloat up.

I have been having the freeze every few mins as well but that was also before the unofficial patch and I hoped that it would fix it but nothing. If only someone could make a program to clean up save files. Maybe it's too difficult.

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Hmm. Yeah, I just found some people on the gamefaqs forums talking about a similar problem, but on the PS3 version of the game. Apparently the ps3 version has an issue where, eventually, there just gets to be too much stuff, and save files get huge, leading to lag. But they were saying that people were getting problems as soon as the save files broke 5mb. I'm up to 122mb now, also. Starting to really worry me. I don't have a bunch of backed up save files. I recently deleted a lot of them to clean up the list, so, if my save file is screwed up and unfixable... i'm out a character that's got well over 100 hours...
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Wow, over 100mb? That is insane! I am only roughly 10meg, it can get a bit larger at times, but typically stays around that size, of course it does depend on how much is in my inventory, how many "things" including bodies, armour etc I have left behind. If I kill a bandit, I strip it completely, then sell everything as quickly as I can.


I am using several mods, but none of the "Skyrim Live" or "Wars" or anything that spawns dozens or hundreds of NPC's. Each body, can have quite an impact on save time, the more junk carried, the larger the save etc. The more bodies (IE from Wars, Skyrim Live, etc) will leave all sorts of stuff laying around. Then, the area respawns and it starts all over again.


There are some edits you can make to your skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini but I don't have links handy to point you to them. Does the WIki give clues? (edit: not that I can find that make any sense.) There is a way to limit how many arrows are left lying around, and I would expect there to be sections for other items too. Some of the settings are built into the main game though, so just reducing body count may be about all you can do.

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So it's definitely an issue with the save game. I just started a new game, got through the beginning to where I could save, and it saved in a split second, no problem, and the save file is less than 10mb. Also, the lag every minute or so was not there in the new game, either. Does anyone know how to fix this? I realize that the save files should get a bit bigger as there's more stuff, but over 100mb is completely excessive and obviously not normal. Also, that's got to be what's causing the lag and long save times. I would really hate to just have to stop playing my main guy and start a new game. Also, Bannor, you mentioned reducing body count? How do I do that? Looked through the .inis but didn't see anything that looked like that. Edited by shmimbadad
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I think I've noticed a pattern on my saves.


I have character-saves around 5-8mb - and then there's two that I've heavily modified using showracemenu many times - those saves are around 15-25mb.


Perhaps some one else could confirm this if you have two different characters and one is heavily modified using showracemenu? Maybe this is partially the cause?



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