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[LE] Casting Spells on Weapon Swing

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I need help with a script to get a spell to cast when a specific weapon is swung at a target. I've tried numerous different approaches and none have worked even though the scripts compile fine. What I want to do is have a weapon cast a ball of light on the target when the weapon is swung. Can anyone help me out here? I don't want it on a power attack, just a normal weapon swing.

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You can attach an enchantment with a scripted magic effect to the weapon. The magic effect script should be something like this:

ScriptName myBallofLightScript extends ActiveMagicEffect

spell property BallofLight auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
  BallofLight.cast(akCaster, akTarget)

This won't take in account whether your attack is normal, a power attack or something entirely else though.


Otherwise, you'd have to use something like OnAnimationEvent using one of the normal attack animations listed here, I'd guess. I don't have any experience in this matter though.

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