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Hand and a half (Narshal)


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hey everyone, I'm looking at a possible mod idea, the best way for me to explain is to just give my mod idea layout and see what you think. any feedback would be nice, even if its to bash my head in with a small trout. i don't even know if certain aspects are even possible. but here it is.




I would like this mod to contain the folowing.(these were origanaly self notes so there kinda slopy i think, realized i was over my head)


a "hand and a half" Sword that can be used Eather one or two handed

:may have to use a player.additem / player.removeitem command toggle as a lesser power.mabey disable the draw animation and a force equip (i dont realy know at this point if thats posible)

:will require two swords with the same ingame name and modles(one 1h, one 2h).

:may also have to be if then based (i realy need to learn how to script)

:toggle grip power to be added/ removed if equiped/ unequiped respectivly

;more than likely a Player.add/removespell (if then nightmare)(everything is a nightmare for me)

:possibly more stable with a controler script (again not sure im a moding idiot)


the sword would also have to come with magica based ranged swipe (need a better term)(enchantment launch)(im a lazy sword swinger)

:looking at another script that dose sompthing similer this is going to be rugh.

:would like to set it up for standing power attacks only. Need to find the animation to refrance (attackPowerStartInPlace?). im thinking i have no clue.

:going to need blocks for both 1handed and 2handed versions

:im also thinking that there needs to be sompthing static as far as how much magicka is drained (im thinking 50)

:once out of magica the spell must shut it self off. requireing a recast. cannot recast if less then 50 magica.

:also balanced as power attacks require stamina.

:power to be added/removed if refrence sword is equiped/unequiped respectivly.

;more than likely a Player.add/removespell if then nightmare

;posibly more stable with a controller script


a recap i guess.

1) two swords (a 1handed and a 2handed)

2) powerattack based ranged ability for both (diffrent strangths/ magicka cost per weapon? probibly not)

3) a "Swap stance" scrypt and lesser power to match (toggle 1hand two hand)

4) a ranged swipe scrypt and a lesser power to match (toggle on and off)(force off if magica is less than 50)

5) a controler scipt to prevent bad things? keep things working as it needs to?

6) unique look for sword(s)...but i cant modle...come to think of it i cant script eather....

7) upgradable thrue deadric blacksmithing perk (without Breaking the scripts) if unable to do put it on the level of slightly higer then deadric base.

8) launched effect should be the same as the enchantment as far as "what it dose" ( i was thinking the dawnbreaker and dragonsbane enchantments plus health damage matching base weapon damage)

9) as far as what it looks like i could settle for prity much anything that would be appropriate. like ice breath or sompthing similer

10) as far as enchantments im thinking the 10 to everything 80 to dragons/ dawnbreaker/ 15-20pts ice (that might be a bit much but hay got to start some ware)




like i said i don't know if its even possible but i appreciate anyone taking the time to find out even if its a "no" like i said its just an idea

i know there is a mod that dose the projectile aspect but its sorely overdone in my mind. breaks the whole immersion thing. this idea is in my mind more balanced.

thanks for the feedback in advance. love what the community has done so far

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  • 2 months later...

Anybody? i honestly didn't think that it was that hard, considering there are two of them that i know of for oblivion, granted without all the shiny crap but i figured it wouldn't be overly hard with the new script system,


Any thoughts? anyone?

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  • 5 months later...

I just posted the same idea!


I think you're right, it should be relatively easy. I just went into the CK and duplicated a steel sword, made it 2-handed, and beefed it up. (Dmg 8 --> 12, Spd 1 --> 1.25, Crit Dmg --> 6).


That's the easy part... Now all we need is a script to remove one from your inventory, and add the other.


Here's a simple version in pseudocode:


if inventory contains SteelSword:

remove SteelSword

add SteelSword2H

else if inventory contains SteelSword2H:

remove SteelSword2H

add SteelSword


Having the inventory triggered by a magic ability would be easiest way...


I might try to pull this off sometime soon. No promises. Feel free to give it a stab yourself! I think the best way to proceed would be to try to get this simple proof-of-concept working (one weapon, well 2 weapons that look the same...plus a spell to replace one with the other), and then work on making it fancier from there.

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you for the response.


that may work well though to expand for seamlessnessnessness (not a word, i know.) the calling and disabling of an animation, for seamless switching between the two, may prove difficult if not impossible. though im not sure. the other thing would be the ability would have to "know" if the sword is equipped or not. weather it is drawn or not should be irrelevant.

my biggest hurtle is im no coder. i don't know enough for what is required. though i may take a stab at it at least for a proof of concept. don't know how far ill get, but here is hoping

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