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My NMM doesn't work for Fallout 4


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For the better part of a year I've been unable to get nexus mods to work on my fallout 4, I've updated to the newest version, at one point purged all the fallout 4 and NMM files from my computer (That I could find) in an attempt to get it work. What do I mean by it doesnt work? Well it just doesn't install files correctly, I can download them and click enable (for this example I used the DKS sniper rifle mod) get in game and spawn it in my inventory and when I equip it my character is holding nothing, no model, it doesnt function, it cant fire, and something along of the lines of this happens whenever I install a mod through NMM, I can manually install mods no problem but that really gives me in headache in managing mods and figuring out how to fix my game by uninstalling certain mods after one broke it. What makes this even weirder is that NMM work just fine for my skyrim special edition, I've never had a problem with it. I'm stuck.

I have no problem going through and purging all my NMM and fallout 4 files from my computer and starting all over again if I have to, as a matter of fact I'd love to start fresh being as I haven't played the game in almost a year. But like I said I've done that once before so.


Any help or ideas anyone has would be enomously helpful because im stumped.

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