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Race request


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So you mean a race that has the same hands with claws and feet like the ones in WoW???


Or have the same head??? Or as same as pale??


You didn't mention what you would like the race to have.


I think the only one that someone might do it...it retexturing. Making a race with textures just like the ones from WoW.


Why no heads, hands with claws and feet like those in WoW???


First: heads require custom meshes...and that is hard to make...nobody is gonna make those for a race that will probably get more critics that good ratings.


Second: For custom hands with claws and feet comes....guess....custom meshes. For the hands, feet AND also for the clothes, armors and whatever outfit is left. So this is also...a failed request.


You shoud probably hope that someone will do the retexture...altough it would look like crap on the human heads and bodies. WoW undeads have skinny faces and bodies...also ribs come out from their chest. So if someone makes a retexture he/she probably won't name it WoW Undead race...because it can never be that race, and it will be a failure.


Sorry to dissapoint you


Cheers :thumbsup:



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