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Mod to show how much time is left on effects from damage to player?


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Hello All!


I hope I'm posting this in the right place. If not, please advise.


My character was soundly whacked and bitten by Frost Spiders. I noticed I couldn't tell how long the effect of Frost Spider poison was going to last and that has bugged me. I played for several hours yesterday, took Cure Poison and even Leveler's Cure Poison with no cure of the poison effect. I figured it might have to go away with time? If so, I would love to know how long effects like this are going to be going on.


I know that in the far right column of the Magic category (access by "TAB" on PC) it shows the effects a player is under and generally shows how much time an effect is going to last, but for some reason Spider Bite Venom/Frost Spider Poison isn't showing the remaining time for the effect.


Is there a mod out there that maybe SkyUI utilizes to show something other than the white cross icon in the HUD to do this for poisons or other effects that may be long-term? Would somebody please make a mod for this?


Heh..I just want to be able to fast travel again!


Thanks in advance!


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That's strange, because poison from spiders shouldn't last that long - just a few seconds.

But SkyUI shows all buffs and debuffs as a symbol. By default all buff/debuffs with 180s or more are shown, but there is a slider, where you can reduce the time - maybe to 0s. So ALL buffs and debuffs are shown.


But if there's really a debuff stuck, then try a shrine in a temple. That usually removes all debuffs.

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