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Face Mismatch Bug


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I got hit by the face discolour bug and dont know how to fix it...i changed my companion Lydia to a blond and changed her hair..with the NPC editor but then her face now is shiney and discoloured...

and I dont know how to fix it.


I saw a post a while ago that said to remove the texture that is created when you change a face for an NPC with the CK but this was with the NPC Editor....


i tried removing the texture but the face stayed shiny


here is a pic..




the rest of her body texture is fine.


anyone know how to fix this?



Edited by CrisG9
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Seconded. Someone please help. I currently have the same problem after I installed (but now have deleted) Superl3 ENB-RL and Oiled Up Males v1 mods. I had tried re-installing and re-removing the mods, but the problem persists. My character's head is very shiny from the neck up, but when I walked under a shadow (like a tree), the shininess disappeared.
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I found several fixes for this: one was to remove a mod that was directly causing it.


Seocndly i found out how to fix this if it happens after using the NPC editor or if you use the CK to edit a NPC:


open the CK and then select the NPC you edited and hit Cntr+F4 and it will save a new Face Gen texture into the correct folder.


i had a mod active that causes the same problem,


Female Face Skin v 1_8_rev1-6554-1-8


i recomend not using it until it is fixed, i will contact the author to discuss things..


Lydia is back to her old self..


Female Face Skin v 1_8_rev1-6554-1-8





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I don't know if this is the face bug that was talked about, but here on the forums there's a link to a podcast talking about Steam Workshop, the Nexus, and Beth. plans and how they affect and influence each other. In the podcast the Beth. people make a very brief mention of a face bug and that they plan to fix it in an upcoming patch.
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I use Nexus Mod Manager at all times to install the mods. I even had tried removing them from the mod list, but the problem persists. I like the ENB mod, but I'm afraid I have to avoid using it again until I find a sure-fire way of solving this problem.

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