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Editing Building Meshes, and getting them back into the CK


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I finally decided to start working on a mod that I've wanted to make since Skyrim came out. Basically, I want to build a big city on an island. Not huge, obviously, but big. I was looking at the concept art for Solitude, and it looks soooo much bigger in the drawing than it is in the game. So, I plan on building a solitude-esque city using solitude buildings from the creation kit. Unfortunately, they all have these moss pieces http://i.imgur.com/sZ9e1.jpg that should be part of the landscape, but instead are attached to the object mesh. Anyway, The second screen cap is the mesh after I removed the moss around the house. http://i.imgur.com/V7GlY.png Now, when I load the .nif into the creation kit, it just gives me this: http://i.imgur.com/jdAzS.jpg I saw a post about vertex colors, but I have no idea where to even begin looking for them, let alone what to do if I find them. Help please!
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  • 5 years later...

Hi, this is not so easy to do....nifscope can delete parts of the object, but the collision will still be there.

You always need to import such a mesh (nif) into a 3d-software and "kill" the parts away or and change the mesh to your demands.

After the change, you need to create a NEW collision from the whole object and take also care, that all UV textures keep their setting - if not, you can´t simply use that mesh in game!


After the export, you have to create the BSX-info inside of nifscope and look out for changes, between the original and the replica...If all this is treated carefully, your new created house mesh will be working ing ame like the original game parts...

Good Luck;-))

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