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Can anyone explain this? [video]


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http://youtu.be/Pa7FUd_cPpU Don't mind the music.  The game appears to be displaying some sort of bumpmap or normal map image over the top of grass and rocks.


It's likely mod-related, so here's my current modlist:


I'm also using Superb ENB, High Performance preset.


As far as I can tell, none of the mods I have directly alter things like this, except perhaps W.A.T.E.R., which changes what rocks look like in the rain. Lush Grass could also be the source of the issue. I'll be checking these mods shortly. If anyone's seen this issue before or has any ideas, let me know. I'll be troubleshooting it and if I make any progress I'll edit this post with updates.


EDIT: Disabling Lush Grass didn't work. I'm about to try disabling W.A.T.E.R

EDIT 2: Disabling W.A.T.E.R. didn't fix it. I'm about to remove Superb ENB

EDIT 3: Removing Superb ENB did the trick. I'd try different configs but for now I'll just play without.

Edited by Tre0n
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If you have an AMD video card it might be driver related, I'm having issues other than this since catalyst updated last and I know I have changed nothing else.


EDIT: Also a few Windows updates too.

Edited by fms1
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If you have an AMD video card it might be driver related, I'm having issues other than this since catalyst updated last and I know I have changed nothing else.


NVidia card, unfortunately. Could still be driver-related, but I haven't updated my drivers for a long time.


EDIT: See original post. Problem solved, suggestions still much appreciated. Thank you.

Edited by Tre0n
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