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Got Rudimentary Controller Support Going


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Was playing looking through Morrowind.ini (/steamapps/common/Morrowind), and found


Use Joystick=1

Joystick X Turns=0
; X=1, Y = 2, Z = 3, XRot = 4, YRot = 5, ZRot = 6
Joystick Look Up/Down=X
Joystick Look Left/Right=Y
So, I went to gamepad settings, checked my axis names, came back, and set them to the proper values. (X360 Controller (Nintendo Joycons Mapped to XBox Controller))
Joystick Look Up/Down=5
Joystick Look Left/Right=4


Will have to dig further for keybindings, neither trigger, nor LB, or D-Pad are currently mappable in-game.


Will also possibly see about redoing the dialogue interface. It can't be too hard to script an InputBox that accepts OnActivate commands. Dragon Drop seems to have the inventory down fairly well. (need to check, haven't actually loaded it yet.)

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